Maik Klein Blog

First steps in Nom: Parsing pseudo GLSL

I am currently working on my rendering engine and I always wanted to streamline my shader pipeline. I want to detect .glsl files, parse them, extract the type information and generate Rust bindings inside the build script.

GLSL can look like this:

#version 400
layout(location = 0) uniform vec4 color;
layout(location = 1) uniform mat4 mvp;

layout(location = 0) in vec4 pos;
in vec2 uv;

layout(location = 0) out vec3 test;
void main(){

Here we have two uniform variables of type vec4 and mat4, a vec4 and a vec2 as input and a vec3 as output for a vertex shader. Before today I had never really written any parser besides for CSV or OBJ and I was always scared of it because I know how complex they can get. These are my first steps in Nom.

We are going to parse the GLSL code from above. I started by defining an enum.

pub enum Glsl {
    Input(Option<u32>, String, String),
    Output(Option<u32>, String, String),
    Uniform(Option<u32>, String, String),

I just treat Input, Output and Uniform the same for now. There are edge cases that I just ignore for now for example we will not parse uniforms that are directly initialized nor array types.

We start by parsing the Version:

        tag!("#version") >>
        opt!(space) >>
        number: map_res!(
        ) >>
        opt!(multispace) >>

glsl_version<u32> will create a function with the name glsl_version and a return type of u32. We then look for a specific string that matches #version. It follows by 0 or more spaces which we express with opt!(space), then we extract n characters that are digits into a variable called number. multispace recognizes spaces, tabs, carriage returns and line feeds. After that we parse the number into a u32. I call .unwrap() here because it shouldn't fail.

I will do something really hacky that you should probably never do in production code but it helps us to get started.

              glsl_version => { |n| Some(Glsl::Version(n)) }
            | take!(1) => { |_| None }

alt! is a conditional parser. It will try to execute the parser in order. If glsl_version fails we execute the take!(1) parser which consumes 1 byte and returns None. This is actually not the right place for glsl_version as the #version specifier should only occur at the top, but I will let it stay there for now.

This parser only executes once which in the case of #version would be enough but we still need to parse in, out and uniform.

named!(parse_glsl<&[u8], Vec<Option<Glsl>> >, many0!(glsl_alt));

many0 will execute the parser repeatedly and will write the results into a Vec.

layout(location = 0) uniform vec4 color;

First we will write a parser for the optional layout specifier.

        tag!("layout") >>
        opt!(space) >>
        tag!("(") >>
        opt!(space) >>
        tag!("location") >>
        opt!(space) >>
        tag!("=") >>
        opt!(space) >>
        location: map_res!(
        ) >>
        opt!(space) >>
        tag!(")") >>
        opt!(space) >>

I am sure this could be written more elegantly but it should do the trick. It is very similar to the version parser. Because I pretend that in, out and uniform are the same we will create a macro that generates a parser to avoid code duplication.

macro_rules! glsl_gen(
    ($name: ident, $i: expr) => (
        named!($name<(Option<u32>, String, String)>,
                location: opt!(glsl_location) >>
                tag!($i) >>
                opt!(space) >>
                type_name: map_res!(
                ) >>
                opt!(space) >>
                name: map_res!(
                ) >>
                opt!(space) >>
                char!(';') >>
                opt!(multispace) >>

glsl_gen!(glsl_in, "in");
glsl_gen!(glsl_out, "out");
//Note: Doesn't parse if the uniform has a default initialization
glsl_gen!(glsl_uniform, "uniform");

First we use the glsl_location parser that we just created and write the value into the variable location. location is of type Option<u32>. After that we basically do the same thing as we did in glsl_version and glsl_location. The only difference is that we return a tuple of type (Option<u32>, String, String).

Now we can update glsl_alt.

              glsl_version => { |n| Some(Glsl::Version(n)) }
            | glsl_in => { |(loc, ty, name)| Some(Glsl::Input(loc, ty, name)) }
            | glsl_out => { |(loc, ty, name)| Some(Glsl::Output(loc, ty, name)) }
            | glsl_uniform => { |(loc, ty, name)| Some(Glsl::Uniform(loc, ty, name)) }
            | take!(1) => { |_| None }

I hope you can see why I have written glsl_alt that way, it made it easy to get started but it comes with some problems. Every byte that fails to parse will add a None into a Vec.

fn main() {
    let s = "
        #version 400
        layout(location = 0) uniform vec4 color;
        layout(location = 1) uniform mat4 mvp;

        layout(location = 0) in vec4 pos;
        in vec2 uv;

        layout(location = 0) out vec3 test;
        void main(){
    if let IResult::Done(_, o) = parse_glsl(s.as_bytes()){
        let v: Vec<Glsl> = o.into_iter().filter(|x| x.is_some()).map(|x| x.unwrap()).collect();
        println!("{:?}", v);

For now I am just going to filter all those None's.

 Uniform(Some(0), "vec4", "color"),
 Uniform(Some(1), "mat4", "mvp"),
 Input(Some(0), "vec4", "pos"),
 Input(None, "vec2", "uv"),
 Output(Some(0), "vec3", "test")]

For the first day of using Nom I call this a success, it was much easier than I thought. Obviously I completely ignored errors and edge cases and tons of other stuff but this is work for another day.