Maik Klein Blog

Announcing Unreal Rust




A few months ago I asked myself "What if I could write a game in Rust, but use Unreal as a renderer?". After a bit of thinking I came to the conclusion that exposing the Unreal renderer to Rust via C ffi was way more work than I was willing to do. But what if I could just build on top of Unreal instead? I could just move actors (Unreal gameobjects) around with Rust. That seemed much more manageable, so I sat down and hacked something up.

After a week I exposed a few functions that allowed me to get inputs, set and get the position of an actor. With this I could finally move a character around in Unreal 🥳.

While exciting, it was quite boring to watch. What if I could play animations?

I investigated how Unreal drives animations. And in this example the character here is already rigged and has animations. Those animations are driven by an AnimationBlueprint. All I had to do is pipe in the velocity that the character is running at, and the AnimationBlueprint would to the rest. I just exposed an ffi function GetRustVelocity and my character was running.

For me that was quite magical. With almost no work, I could move a character around with Rust in Unreal.

But I wanted to do more than just moving around. I wanted to play sounds, do physics, have 3d pathfinding, spawn particles, create prefabs, do networking. This made me realize that I actually did not want to use Unreal just as a renderer, I wanted to use the whole engine. Why implement it myself if I can just expose a few functions?

And unreal-rust was born.

What is unreal-rust?

TL;DR unreal-rust allows you to write games with Unreal Engine in Rust.

unreal-rust is an opinionated Rust integration for Unreal. Rust cares about ownership, mutability and lifetimes. Mapping Unreal concepts to Rust 1 to 1 would only cause a headache. Instead unreal-rust will be written on top of the Unreal AActor and expose its API in a Rust friendly way.

The first big change is that unreal-rust will use an Entity Component System (ECS). For unreal-rust I decided to use bevy instead of rolling my own. I am just a single developer and I have to pick my battles. Writing and maintaining an ECS would distract me from doing actual work. The folks at bevy have done a wonderful job of making the ECS user friendly 🥰.

I want to deeply integrate Rust into Unreal and everything should be accessible. You can add Rust Components to AActor in the editor. For example you can add a CharacterConfigComponent to the PlayerActor, which you can then access from within Rust. This allows to configure your character from Unreal without needing to touch any code. Additionally you can access Rust Components from within Blueprint. This allows you to drive Animation blueprints, or pass data into your UI.

Rust communicates with Unreal through C FFI. Its a bit out of scope for this blog post but I did a small write up to explain how it works in the unreal rust wiki.

Editor components and reflection

To make your Components visible in the editor/blueprint all you have to do is to add the Component derive, give it a unique UUID/GUID (which your editor of choice can generate) and register it with register_components. And if you want it to show up in the editor, you can just mark it with #[reflect(editor)].

#[derive(Debug, Component)]
#[uuid = "16ca6de6-7a30-412d-8bef-4ee96e18a101"]
pub struct CharacterConfigComponent {
    pub max_movement_speed: f32,
    pub gravity_dir: Vec3,
    pub gravity_strength: f32,
    pub max_walkable_slope: f32,
    pub step_size: f32,
    pub walk_offset: f32,
    pub jump_velocity: f32,
    pub max_gliding_downwards_speed: f32,
    pub gliding_gravity_scale: f32,
    pub ground_offset: f32,


impl Plugin for MovementPlugin {
    fn build(&self, module: &mut Module) {
        register_components! {
            => module

The component should be immediately visible in the editor and you can add it to any actor you want. Right now sadly it only supports a few primitive types like Vec3, Quat, f32, bool, and some assets like UClass and USound. I have plans to extend it to user defined structs, hashmaps, arrays etc and also add custom drawers like having a slider for an f32 instead of a input box.

Now you can add any Component to an actor in the editor. This essentially gives you a way to have prefabs. You can create a PlayerActor, give it the components you want, configure it and when you place it in a level unreal-rust will automatically register it and add the components to the actual Rust Entity.


Blueprint is Unreal's visual scripting system and it is heavily used in the engine. You can drive animations, materials, particles, sound, gameplay through it. It is important that unreal-rust can be used in Blueprint as well.

I added a new node called GetComponent(Rust), which gives you access to all of your Rust components.

In the video above I expose a MovementComponent which just contains a few fields like velocity, is_falling etc and is written to by the movement system.

#[derive(Default, Debug, Component)]
#[uuid = "fc8bd668-fc0a-4ab7-8b3d-f0f22bb539e2"]
pub struct MovementComponent {
    pub velocity: Vec3,
    pub is_falling: bool,
    pub is_flying: bool,
    pub view: Quat,

We can now access the MovementComponent inside the animation blueprint and drive all of the animations. This is everything that is required to make the player character run, jump, and glide. The rest is handled inside the animation blueprint itself.

Hot reloading

This allows you to see your code changes in real time without needing to restart the editor.

Experimentation without crashing the editor

C++ has one big flaw in Unreal. You can easily crash the editor, either by triggering an assert or accessing a nullptr. This makes it quite difficult to experiment with the engine, especially if you are new. In Rust however crashes or panic are well defined and can be caught. That means if you ever unwrap an Option::None or do out of bounds access, unreal-rust will simply catch the panic, exit play mode and log the error to the console. It will never crash the editor.

What is the current state?

The current state is jank. Almost nothing is implemented properly and you should not use unreal-rust in a real project yet. I will list some of the issues here.

No stable versioning / persitence

Lets say you wrote the following component:

#[derive(Default, Component)]
#[uuid = "fc8bd668-fc0a-4ab7-8b3d-f0f22bb539e2"]
pub struct MovementComponent {
    pub gravity: f32,

Now you add this component to an actor in the editor and save it. But a few months later you realize that a simple float for the gravity is not enough and you want a direction as well. So you change the type.

#[derive(Default, Component)]
#[uuid = "fc8bd668-fc0a-4ab7-8b3d-f0f22bb539e2"]
pub struct MovementComponent {
    pub gravity: Vec3,

But now all the actors in your editor have the gravity as a f32, but they should become a Vec3 instead. How do you convert those?

Next someone in your project renames gravity to gravity_dir. How do you tell the editor that this field was renamed?

Next you decide to split gravity into direction and strength

#[derive(Default, Component)]
#[uuid = "fc8bd668-fc0a-4ab7-8b3d-f0f22bb539e2"]
pub struct MovementComponent {
    pub gravity_strength: f32,
    pub gravity_dir: Vec3,

At which point do we automatically add the new gravity_strength field to all actors in the editor? We could do it during hot reload. You add the field, compile the code and then inside the editor we will update all of the MovementComponents. But after a few minutes you decided that was a bad idea and revert the code again, and remove the gravity_strength field. But all of the MovementComponents in the editor will still have the gravity_strength field in them. We need a way to remove them, or you might store too much unnecessary data in your editor components.

Also the components can be accessed within blueprint:

What if we were to remove the is_falling field here? Do we remove the connection from is_falling to is in air?? If we do this might break all of your bluprints, and you might have to recreate the connection in the future. If we keep the connection, the blueprint will fail to compile.

I could go on, but hopefully you get the gist. None of this is particularly difficult to solve, but it requires a bit of engineering. And before that is solved, I do not recommend to use unreal-rust in a real project.

I am loosely aware that Unreal Engine has similar issues and I still need to investigate how Unreal handles those cases itself.

No serialization

Currently serialization is not implemented at all.

Usually the way to implement hot reloading is:

Because there is no serialization, we simply throw away the gamestate when loading the new dll.

I could simply use serde and call it a day. But serde does add quite a bit of compile time. I could use bevy_reflect and or mini_serde but I lose some of the niceties of serde like renaming fields and doing data upgrades.

TL;DR: I just haven't made up my mind yet of how serialization should work in unreal-rust and what problems it needs to solve. Losing gamestate during hot reload is not much of a blocker for myself.


What's next?

While there are still a lot of problems, I do want to make unreal-rust into something real, it will just take a bit of time. There is an infinite todo list but the next big thing will be samples. I want to heavily drive this project through real world samples where I try to create some game mechanics like the Inscryption card game, God of War axe throwing etc.

There are a couple of reasons for that:

Closing words

If you want to keep up to date with the project you can follow me or twitter, or follow the project on github. If you want to try it out, I added some instructions here.

Quick thank you 🥰 to:

Future blog posts
